Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hooray for "Cake-Cakes"!

My nephew Tyson gets to take all of the credit for my crazy nickname. I guess the closest he could get to "Aunt Carolyn" was "Aunt koo-koo". My sister, Amy, always jokes about how right he is. LOL! I was the only person allowed to love him back then, too. If anyone else told him that they loved him he would say, "nuh uh! koo-koo wuv me!" 
Tyson was 3 when he learned how to make these super easy pancakes. As most 3 year olds do, he had his own words for most things, so he called them "cake-cakes".  LOL!

Perfect Pancakes
When Tyson was 3 and 4, he used to LOVE helping me make these “cake-cakes”. On Mother’s Day 2007, he got up really early to make Amy breakfast in bed. He sang his “makin’ cake-cakes for mommy” song while he did the mixing and I added the ingredients, and then I did the cooking with him right beside me making sure I did a good job for his mommy. It was the cutest thing watching him proudly walk down the hall to Amy’s bedroom, covered in flour, and say “wook Mommy, I make you cake-cakes!”

1 egg
½ cup milk
1 ½ tablespoons melted butter
¾ cup self-rising flour
2 tablespoons sugar

• In a medium size bowl, beat the egg a little with a fork.
• Add the milk and melted butter and mix well.
• Slowly stir in the dry ingredients and mix it until there are no large lumps. (you can add more flour or more milk to get the consistency that you like.)
• Heat your pan or griddle over medium heat until it’s about 350° or small drops of water sizzle and disappear. (if your pan is too cool, the pancakes will stick.)
• Spray, butter, or oil your pan lightly and pour about ¼ cup of batter. (I generally just get a ¼ c. measuring cup and use that to dip it out.)
• Cook for 1-2 minutes or until bubbles start to form in the middle of the pancake, then flip t and cook for about a minute more.
• Re-spray, butter, or oil your pan for each pancake.
(this recipe will make about 5 pancakes.)

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