Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Go Go Gadget Arms!

OH MAN, I love me some some Inspector Gadget!!! LOL!  I haven't tried to make this recipe yet, but I am going to in the very near future. I am probably the only one of my parents children that is old enough to remember spending time with Marti, but unfortunately I don't remember much. I guess my old age it setting in... LOL! Although I can't remember it, I know I love mustard on my pork chops, so I will definitely enjoy this blast from the bast.  Thanks Marti! <3

Marti’s Mustard Pork Chops/Chicken

I really did have a part, no matter how tiny, in you becoming the wonderful, beautiful woman you are today.
Mustard pork chops/chicken- you just take the pork chops/chicken (you liked the boneless), season it up a bit, smear it with mustard, coat it with flour and fry it up-nothing special, but you were always asking me to make it.
I used to carry you around with me, all kinds of places, to Maw Maw & Paw Paw’s or wherever. I would tell you we couldn't tell when we got home cause Anthony would cry- you were so good about walking in the door and telling your mama and Anthony(Amy was still too little) how you could not tell them we had been at Maw Maws, etc... You were the only one I could get to eat vegetables after Amy was passed the mashed up food age- your mama would say Carolyn doesn’t like such and such, and I could say “Carolyn taste this”, a lot of times you liked whatever vegetable it was. You loved going to the little sushi place, and were fascinated with the Japanese people and décor. They would give us small tastes of different things to try. Your very favorites were the California Roll and Soft Shell Crab, and you used Wasabi too! I loved spicy, and you would eat it right along with me, eyes & nose running with mine! Inspector Gadget was your boyfriend and you were going to marry him. (Boy you made me crazy with that cartoon!) I told you he was not real, just a cartoon character, but oh on you insisted you were going to marry the "real" one. It tickled me to death to see it that day when you posted on facebook about the gadget arms! So many wonderful memories stored in my heart baby girl!

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