Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Say Cheese!

I have 2 recipes for mac n cheese. The first is Jeremy's Granny's recipe and the second is the one that I was making before Jeremy and I met. Although they have different textures and they taste a little different, they are both very good. I have a few more mac 'n cheese recipes, but I will wait to post those. =)

Macaroni & Cheese

This is originally Jeremy’s Granny’s recipe. When I called her to get the recipe, I wrote it down, but the next time I went to make it, I couldn’t remember where I had written it! I looked through a few cookbooks and online and finally found a recipe that was close and I changed it so that it was more like the one of Granny’s that I had gotten over the phone. I’ve also added my own little touch. =)

1 lb. bag of macaroni
3 eggs (beaten)
1 can evaporated milk
1 lb. block of medium or sharp cheddar (or a 1 lb. bag of shredded cheddar)
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
Salt & pepper

• Preheat oven to 350°.
• Boil the macaroni in well salted water for about 6 min. (you want the macaroni to be underdone because it will finish cooking in the oven)
• While the macaroni is boiling, shred the block of cheddar.
• In a small bowl, beat the eggs with a fork, then beat in the evaporated milk, nutmeg, and a little salt and pepper. Set aside. (I actually mix all this up in my measuring cup because it’s easier to pour.)
• In a casserole dish, layer the macaroni and the cheese. (I generally do this in pretty thin layers, that way all the macaroni gets covered. I also wait until after I pour the egg mixture to put the last layer of cheese on.)
• Pour the egg/evaporated milk mixture all over your layers, then pour milk over it until it almost covers the macaroni. (I usually leave about a half inch or so. If you don’t put that last layer of cheese on, it is easier to see where your milk is.)
• Cover the macaroni with the last layer of cheese (I try to keep back a pretty good bit for the last layer so it completely covers the macaroni) and cover the dish.
• Bake for about 40 min, then uncover and bake it until the cheese is brown.

Velveeta Mac ‘n Cheese

1 lb. elbow macaroni
½ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. ground nutmeg
2 ½ tbsp. butter
1 ¾ c. milk
½ bread crumbs
1 lg. block Velveeta, cubed
3 tbsp. flour

• Preheat over to 375°.
• Boil the macaroni in well salted water for 6 min. (you want it to be underdone because it will finish cooking in the oven.)
• Melt 1 ½ tablespoons of butter in a medium pot.
• Add the flour and stir until it is well blended. (this is the base of your cheese sauce.)
• Stir in milk slowly, and cook, stirring constantly, until it gets a little thicker.
• Add seasonings and cheese, and keep stirring until cheese is melted.
• In a large casserole dish, add the macaroni and the cheese sauce and stir until all of the macaroni is coated.
• Melt the last tablespoon of butter and add the breadcrumbs.
• Sprinkle the bread crumbs over the macaroni.
• Bake it for about 30 minutes or until the cheese and breadcrumbs on top start to brown.

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